Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cumulative Sequence poem

Today in my Reading class, we learned about "cumulative sequence" books. For example, the book, "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly," is a cumulative sequence because she first swallows a fly, then a spider, then a bird, then a cat...and so on.

We've been given assignments to write and illustrate our own books every class as we learn different strategies.

Today, a group wrote this poem about us CDP students, and all the classes we are taking. It is funny, true, and a great cumulative sequence poem.

Aqui es:

There once was a class who started to read, process of teaching and learning, indeed!

They added on science and Ed Psych and Math, what a crazy path to add on math,

The class who started to read, the Process of teaching and learning, indeed.

Then came social studies, special needs, and managing a class, oh what a gas to manage a class!

They added on science, and ed psych, and math, the class who started to read, the process of teaching and learning indeed.

They could never forget social justice and reading, how misleading to forget reading!

Then came social studies, special needs, and managing a class, they added on science, and ed psych, and math, the class who started to read, the process of teaching and learning indeed.

They took all those classes just to be hired, what a surprise to end up so tired!

The class who started to read, the process of teaching and learning, indeed!

Our 9 classes are:

The process of teaching and learning

How to teach Math

How to teach Science

How to teach Social Studies

Educational Psychology

Special Needs

Social Justice


Classroom Management

wow, what a surprise to end up so tired!

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