Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Did I cook it? No.

Question: How come I'm not cooking dinner tonight?

Answer: Because I'm busy creating a children's book due tomorrow using the children's literature strategy of "Rhyme, Rhythm, Sequence."

Answer: Because I have to read chapter 11, in Understand by Design lesson planning.

Answer: Because I have to read chapter 8, of Educational Psychology and write a reflective journal about it.

Answer: Because I'm busy researching peer journals relating to my social justice topic of: American American Civil rights through history, and creating an annotated bibliography in APA format.

I look forward to kneading my own yeasty pizza dough, and getting flour all over the counter and kitchen floor. I look forward to boiling tomatoes, garlic, onion and basil in a big pot for sauce, and in grating a mixture of mozzarella and provalone cheese to top it off.

As for tonight, I will cook my frozen Trader Joe's frozen pizza, and be happy to complete a good percentage of my homework for tomorrow.

Yum yum.

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