I brought this to the attention of my mentor teacher, and she talked with him briefly, and then sent him to the bus. He looked so scared and sad as he walked to the bus. I told Lucia what he told me, and we decided to talk with his bus driver and see what her experience was with Roberto's parents.
She confirmed his story, and said he has to walk far to get home, on Isleta blvd, which is a crazy, busy street, and that nobody ever meets him at the bus stop. I was worried he would return to a locked house with no one home. So this was how Lucia and I ended up boarding the school bus and riding with Roberto home. Some of our other students were on the bus, too and they kept asking me if I was coming over to their house to play. The bus driver was really nice, and dropped us off right in front of where Roberto lives, and waited for us. Roberto arrived at a locked front door, and after we told him to knock, his older brother answered.
Relief for all of us! We told him that someone needs to meet Roberto at the bus stop EVERYDAY.
The bus driver was super cool, and chatted us up as she dropped off the rest of the kids, and then drove us back to the school.
We both felt like super teachers when we returned. It had also been so long since I had ridden in a school bus!
Roberto has suffered other family problems this school year, and I hope we can be a support for him, and that he can trust us when he needs help.
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