Wednesday, April 7, 2010

who says student food has to be ramen noodles?

My Dinner Tonight:

Spaghetti with Shrimp, fresh local garlic, simmered in olive oil and a bit of half and half, with a dash of salt and red pepper to spice it up.

I bought the shrimp frozen and precooked. A big bag cost me $10, and it will probably take me 7-8 meals to eat all the shrimp, since there is only one of me, and I only eat about 5 shrimp a meal.

The pasta was left over from previous tenant's at a friend's house.

The garlic was purchased at the farmer's market in the fall from Eli the Garlic Farmer in the South Valley.

Olive oil, a staple in my diet, and everyday use product.

Salt? Kosher.

Red pepper? A New Mexican staple.

Half and Half? Horizon Cow. A little bottle last me a month, and I use a little bit most mornings in my coffee.

A terrific meal... easily prepared, and it felt special, but was quick and simple to make.

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