Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A simple story about ants

My friend Mathilde and I started gardens all around my yard 2 weeks ago. In one spot, we upset a red ant colony. We planned cantalope and watermelon seeds in the earth around their nest, and watered. They were not happy. We have to be careful not to get bitten.

The next day, I noticed they had rebuilt their ant hill in the same place. Again, that evening I watered and they ran around madly. The same thing happened the next day.

For the next 10 days I didn't see the girls (as one of my prof's told me all ants are girls) and I was sure Mathilde and I had drowned them.

Tonight while watering, the girls are back. They built a new ant hill right on the edge of the melon garden, outside of the garden, against the rocks that border it. They moved their hill just about 6 inches south. This way, I water and no more than a shallow spray of water is in danger of wetting their ant hill. In this way, we can coexist.

I thought about how these smart and hardworking ants can be a metaphor for us. If we fail at something, we reflect on what happened. We try again. Again we fail. We reflect again. We see we need to change what we're doing to be successful. We try again. Success!

Somethings our intentions are good, and we work hard, but we still don't accomplish what we set out to do. This is when changing our views, perspective or manner can do the trick.

We have a lot to learn from nature.

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